Bitsy's first post (well, letter that I have posted!) Sorry I didn't get it up sooner...been a crazy week! Please enjoy!
~Alyssa Eatman
I survived my first week!!!! I can't describe it. This is just so much more and so different than I expected. I thought at least some of it would be familiar, but there are so many things I thought I knew, that I was completely wrong about. One of the reasons why I came out here was I wanted to learn how to love people and boy did I receive that blessing. If I'm a representative of Christ and Christ gave His life in expression of God's love that what am I to do? Love everyone! It's been amazing to begin to learn what that means. There's still so much for me to learn and so much to understand, but I know I can do it. My faith has been changed. I hope all of you can feel my love for you!
This really is the best work out there and I'm learning so much that I can use in life after my mission. I leave for the field on Monday. (I know, one single Preperation Day in the MTC what a bummer!) If you want to send letters while I'm still here please use it should be free so long as you use it before Monday. We check the mail twice a day and your emails are printed out and given to us the day of so you can email me and I can write you back in letters. :D
I've had to have three skirts sent home because of the fit! They're very strict about how everything fits. I love it and hate it. lol
The devotionals were fantastic (I've seen two so far with Elder Zwick of the 70 and.... Elder Allen- super amazing man, was inspired to scrap his talk and go completely by the Spirit. Sure am glad he did, too. It was so uplifting and just what all of us needed)
My companion and I got off to a rough start (thanks to me :P ) But I finally wrapped my head around the right way of thinking and we're getting along a lot better. We're completely different in a lot of ways- she played softball for 11 years and did world competitions and she has 11 siblings. She's fantastic. We're not super close, but we can teach with the Spirit and plan with the Spirit and I'm happy with that.
I love it here so much! Ah! And we leave so soon! We only have three classes (in three hour blocks) and one day of field orientation- (basically a twelve hour class all day tomorrow) and Fast Sunday (no food!! yay...)
So. Much. Happy.
Sis. Askren
Mission address
Sister Askren
400 West Apache St
Farmington, NM 87401
Extra! AKA Everything I forgot- minus the pictures, my companion Sister Jeppson is emailing them to me so I can forward them to you.
the food is amazing. Heavy, but amazing. I kind of pig out and have a real meal every time I go (breakfast, lunch, and dindin) and I haven't even glanced at my weight thanks to the beautiful lack of scales in the residence halls. So here's how this next part is going to work, I'll put your name and a little thing and then you'll forgive me if I haven't called you out by name. Just because I don't have a special something to say to you doesn't mean I don't think about you and appreciate your prayers and support! You're all amazing.
Melanie- I kept seeing someone with your exact hair it was so pretty! I loved loved loved loved your letter and I'm so happy you get to spend time with your family!! (Don't worry, if Mark and you don't work out I'll still love you when I get back! Also, OF COURSE IT'LL WORK OUT.)
Alyssa- Konichiya!! I know I spelled it wrong lol. I adore you. I always try to say hi to the Japan bound missionaries, thinking of you and your awesomeness. I hope work and school and social life is all going harmoniously!
Estee- Best friend ever!!!! How are you??? Don't worry, I know how horrid you are with letters, I understand if you won't write me... like ever. lol oh and can you give me brig's email? I forgot it
Katherine- You'd never last in my district at the MTC there's a companionship of the most adorable nineteen year olds I've ever met. And so spiritual it's fantastic! They're awesome- Elder Scoffield and Elder Meyers. They're totally going to throw it down in the field.
Joy- I've had so many mock investigators talking about how they feel a "happy feeling" when they watch Disney movies and wondering if it's the Holy Ghost! lol Disney is awesome! Families are forever! lol
Sachiyo- sorry, I never could spell it right! I hope your adjustment to the States is going well and you've been able to have fun and experience American culture!
Chanel- You're INCREDIBLE for doing this. I met the Mom of someone coming home in three weeks from your mission! She is from Provo, but I forgot her name :P Her mom teaches missionaries how to read the Book of Mormon better.
Becky- I loved your letter!!! It helped sooo much! Can you give me chrissy and josef's email? I never got that from them.
Mom- can you and/or Gram make me more of those awesome skirts? They're perfect, not too tight and long enough. Let me know if you need any measurements! And can you send me the characteristics of servant leaders that's taped to the steering wheel? If you want to keep it, it's no big deal, but can you send me a copy of it?
Kevin- hey!! you and your family are amazing!!! But did Jess want to get my emails? If not, it's cool.
Yes yes I know, scatterbrained am I. It's why I should've written out this letter before email you all. But I want to give another shout out to all the lovely people who wrote to me! (also, Alyssa, I don't mind if you put all this extra stuff on the blog. You're fantastic)
Miriam Amato, Miriam Jones, Mom, Becky, and Melanie Palsky thank you for the letters!!! It's so nice to get mail! Especially when there's a girl in my district who gets at least one a day! lol It's great to see everyone's face light up! I love you each and I'm so happy things are going well for you and you're pulling through!
Done with the shout out.
Oh! but if anyone has some time, can you write a dearelder to my whole district? some people never get mail. The people in my district are: Elder Scoffield, Elder Geillmann, Elder Meyers, Elder Tingey, Elder Botkin, Sister Smith, Sister Anderson, Sister Lewis, and Sister Jeppson (yes, we have two trios!)
If not, it's cool. Love you all!!!!

This really is the best work out there and I'm learning so much that I can use in life after my mission. I leave for the field on Monday. (I know, one single Preperation Day in the MTC what a bummer!) If you want to send letters while I'm still here please use it should be free so long as you use it before Monday. We check the mail twice a day and your emails are printed out and given to us the day of so you can email me and I can write you back in letters. :D
I've had to have three skirts sent home because of the fit! They're very strict about how everything fits. I love it and hate it. lol
The devotionals were fantastic (I've seen two so far with Elder Zwick of the 70 and.... Elder Allen- super amazing man, was inspired to scrap his talk and go completely by the Spirit. Sure am glad he did, too. It was so uplifting and just what all of us needed)
My companion and I got off to a rough start (thanks to me :P ) But I finally wrapped my head around the right way of thinking and we're getting along a lot better. We're completely different in a lot of ways- she played softball for 11 years and did world competitions and she has 11 siblings. She's fantastic. We're not super close, but we can teach with the Spirit and plan with the Spirit and I'm happy with that.
I love it here so much! Ah! And we leave so soon! We only have three classes (in three hour blocks) and one day of field orientation- (basically a twelve hour class all day tomorrow) and Fast Sunday (no food!! yay...)
So. Much. Happy.
Sis. Askren
Mission address
Sister Askren
400 West Apache St
Farmington, NM 87401
Extra! AKA Everything I forgot- minus the pictures, my companion Sister Jeppson is emailing them to me so I can forward them to you.
the food is amazing. Heavy, but amazing. I kind of pig out and have a real meal every time I go (breakfast, lunch, and dindin) and I haven't even glanced at my weight thanks to the beautiful lack of scales in the residence halls. So here's how this next part is going to work, I'll put your name and a little thing and then you'll forgive me if I haven't called you out by name. Just because I don't have a special something to say to you doesn't mean I don't think about you and appreciate your prayers and support! You're all amazing.
Melanie- I kept seeing someone with your exact hair it was so pretty! I loved loved loved loved your letter and I'm so happy you get to spend time with your family!! (Don't worry, if Mark and you don't work out I'll still love you when I get back! Also, OF COURSE IT'LL WORK OUT.)
Alyssa- Konichiya!! I know I spelled it wrong lol. I adore you. I always try to say hi to the Japan bound missionaries, thinking of you and your awesomeness. I hope work and school and social life is all going harmoniously!
Estee- Best friend ever!!!! How are you??? Don't worry, I know how horrid you are with letters, I understand if you won't write me... like ever. lol oh and can you give me brig's email? I forgot it
Katherine- You'd never last in my district at the MTC there's a companionship of the most adorable nineteen year olds I've ever met. And so spiritual it's fantastic! They're awesome- Elder Scoffield and Elder Meyers. They're totally going to throw it down in the field.
Joy- I've had so many mock investigators talking about how they feel a "happy feeling" when they watch Disney movies and wondering if it's the Holy Ghost! lol Disney is awesome! Families are forever! lol
Sachiyo- sorry, I never could spell it right! I hope your adjustment to the States is going well and you've been able to have fun and experience American culture!
Chanel- You're INCREDIBLE for doing this. I met the Mom of someone coming home in three weeks from your mission! She is from Provo, but I forgot her name :P Her mom teaches missionaries how to read the Book of Mormon better.
Becky- I loved your letter!!! It helped sooo much! Can you give me chrissy and josef's email? I never got that from them.
Mom- can you and/or Gram make me more of those awesome skirts? They're perfect, not too tight and long enough. Let me know if you need any measurements! And can you send me the characteristics of servant leaders that's taped to the steering wheel? If you want to keep it, it's no big deal, but can you send me a copy of it?
Kevin- hey!! you and your family are amazing!!! But did Jess want to get my emails? If not, it's cool.
Yes yes I know, scatterbrained am I. It's why I should've written out this letter before email you all. But I want to give another shout out to all the lovely people who wrote to me! (also, Alyssa, I don't mind if you put all this extra stuff on the blog. You're fantastic)
Miriam Amato, Miriam Jones, Mom, Becky, and Melanie Palsky thank you for the letters!!! It's so nice to get mail! Especially when there's a girl in my district who gets at least one a day! lol It's great to see everyone's face light up! I love you each and I'm so happy things are going well for you and you're pulling through!
Done with the shout out.
Oh! but if anyone has some time, can you write a dearelder to my whole district? some people never get mail. The people in my district are: Elder Scoffield, Elder Geillmann, Elder Meyers, Elder Tingey, Elder Botkin, Sister Smith, Sister Anderson, Sister Lewis, and Sister Jeppson (yes, we have two trios!)
If not, it's cool. Love you all!!!!

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